MIT FreightLab

Driving Innovation within the Transportation Industry

What is the MIT FreightLab?

The MIT FreightLab mission is to drive innovation into the freight transportation industry in order to reduce cost, minimize risk, and increase the level of service. Freight transportation is subject to highly volatile demand and costs that are typically outside of a firm’s ability to control or even influence. This is compounded by a dominant design in terms of how freight is historically procured and managed. FreightLab research focuses on working with companies to develop and implement real-world solutions to these challenges.

FreightLab objectives are to develop innovations in freight transportation planning and operations and drive them into practice. Recently, we have developed methods for forecasting both short term spot-market rates and longer-term contract rates. We are exploring alternative contract forms between shippers and carriers that increase the level of trust in the relationship and yield better results for both parties. Working with a wide range of shippers, carriers, and third-party providers, the freight lab team develops and delivers better ways to design, procure, and manage large-scale freight transportation systems.

Our Research

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Our Collaborators & Sponsors

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Our Team

Dr. Chris Caplice

Dr. Chris Caplice


Dr. Jarrod Goentzel

Dr. Jarrod Goentzel

Principal Research Scientist

Dr. Angi Acocella

Dr. Angi Acocella

Research Scientist

Dr. Josué Velázquez Martínez

Dr. Josué Velázquez Martínez

Research Scientist

Updates from the Lab

FreightLab Book Review: “Sweatshops on Wheels”

FreightLab Book Review: “Sweatshops on Wheels”

BOOK REVIEWSweatshops on Wheels: Winners and Losers in Trucking DeregulationBy Michael BelzerOxford University Press (2000)Reviewed by David HC Correll Michael Belzer wants you to know two things about American trucking: (1) it hasn’t always been this way; and (2) it...

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State of the Art in Transportation Contracts

State of the Art in Transportation Contracts

On November 3 2020, the MIT Freightlab convened an open virtual session entitled, State of the Art in Transportation Contracts”. The goal of the session was to introduce the FreightLab’s 2020-2021 research program, which focuses on innovations that expand the...

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Future Freight Flows: Scenario Planning Toolkit

Future Freight Flows: Scenario Planning Toolkit

The Scenario Planning Toolkit is designed to help transportation planners in any organization design, plan, and run a Scenario Planning Workshop. There are two types of material contained here: Guidebooks and Workshop Collateral.

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Get In Touch

Interested in collaborating with us? Do you have a research idea?

Send us a note at to set up a time to discuss your ideas, questions, and transportation goals.