Dec 10, 2020 | Events, Updates
By Chris Caplice, Ken Cotrill and David Correll When a shipper and a trucking company contract to transport goods at a given time and rate, there is no guarantee they will meet the agreement’s terms. The loads may never materialize or the carrier may not have the...
Dec 10, 2020 | Updates
Welcome to the first to be quarterly update from the MIT Freightlab!
Dec 10, 2020 | Freight Resources, Updates
PhD Candidate Angela Acocella in conversation with MIT FreightLab Co-Director David Correll about her recently published paper, “Elephants or Goldfish: Carrier Reciprocity in Dynamic Freight Markets”. Who are “elephants” and who are “goldfish” in your...
Dec 10, 2020 | Articles, Trucker Tuesday
BOOK REVIEWSweatshops on Wheels: Winners and Losers in Trucking DeregulationBy Michael BelzerOxford University Press (2000)Reviewed by David HC Correll Michael Belzer wants you to know two things about American trucking: (1) it hasn’t always been this way; and (2) it...